Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012

The wild Prince

Who is this wild prince?

He lives completely unnoticed among us and prepares for an event. He calls it:> day of the wedding (day of the truth) <.Er says, it is a day of the joy and the blessedness. Every confusion will find an end, not because he says it, but because the events will touch everybody, thus every longing in every person exists, are satisfied therefore.

What will be, during the day of the wedding (day of the truth)?

It is the human Reflektierung of the universe. He diverts huge energy and makes therefore worlds visible which we have never anticipated. He shows us places and lives at our planet of their existence we nothing knew. No one will be able to make a distinction more whether he still dreams or is awake. All living beings will be grasped by an energy and be carried which will give them an internal rest. So everybody can pursue a play not only in the sky with big joy. Everything will compare it to huge fireworks. But it is a natal process everything in the new shine allows to shine.
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It is not so easy to be able to present have found out itself something to themselves you never. They come while reading this side to the point where you become questions: Imagination or knowledge? Four examples are not explicable with our logic. I appeal with these predictions and announcements, to the messages on this Cherubim. Four examples should reach at this point. Now the question will position itself for you: Could it be true, or is it an absurdity without exception?

* 969 days up to the wedding day in August

* The planet. A quarter of an hour is like a day.

* The still invisible place Kunterloh with Teltow

* The still invisible wild prince

It is clear, these are a concrete information which will appear. This has nothing with belief zutun.


Announcements and messages for 2012



Extracts from an entertainment with the wild son.

Does one can do it belief?

What should the question? It is not yet about the fact that it a person should believe.

What is with the people?

The person is from God. Basically everything is said with it. Nevertheless, they have it it only forget? See, this is why I am there. Everybody will find again his own recollection.

What is with the earth?

If the earth is not nice.

Nevertheless, the question is....

Nevertheless, they must put to me no questions, because itself every question from will only answer.

Who are you?

I find the question good. Want you to see my passport? Do you expect an accredited legitimization from me?

What do you mean with it?

I also have a biography how many other millions people. Mother and father, thus nothing what Conspicuously could have been. Fears, worries, as everybody it has.

What have you believed? There comes the superman every wish fullly. He saves the world? What do you expect? The avenger? To meet the flawless person?

Wake, nevertheless, finally.

God everything has created and this God should send to us somebody who corrects God's own creation?

I have already said it, everything is from God and without exception. Of course there are not things we yet understanding can. But God opens in us to people horizons to us a direction points, thus we can develop on and on and become more understanding.

Basically point every person himself, he has it just only forgotten.


They speech of the human Reflektierung of the universe.

Of course. Look, everything this does God. The whole universe becomes passed through from an immense energy and strength from mind and matter is reflected. Now the time is there where this energy, fields of force released becomes. Therefore the worlds to which we had no access will become visible.

Believe me, God loves his creation, therefore he also loves each of us.

If they still allow to deepen it to us.

Well. But what do I should ....?


I do not show now what with it mean? It is basic however, thus, the faith is the preliminary stage of knowledge. The faith indicates to us horizons. By the achievement of these horizons the faith rises by knowledge. Just the diversity of belief leads us on and on to new knowledge.

They speak with me, because you belief that I could have knowledge? They want to get out whether my knowledge, with your belief is compatible. Know, we people live in a reality for ourselves a reality explains which is indisputable. What I want to say to you, nevertheless, is that this reality known to us is increased around a multiple. Therefore all new horizons arise for us. What are for realities?

Wait for it, nevertheless. Nevertheless, my words do not count really. Look, nevertheless, we everything live in a reality where each he hears my words, thinking must go, nevertheless, that is crazy, or so similar. They define the reality with it, as if you know the totality of the real and I say to you, we know only one part and him is very small.

Around what, otherwise?

I can say only over and over again, it is about the whole creation and we people are a part of this creation.

How you also become always about that a thinking, it keeps to it, everything becomes Visible.

The Christians hope for the return of Christ, the Buddhists expect a new Buddha, the Muslims imam Mahdi, the Hindus a reincarnation from Krishnas and the Jews the Messiah. Are you a Son of God?

Because you put the question in such a way, I must deny it.

How should I put the question?

As well as you want it, but you have not understood me. The person can give another person a name, a title, or a rank. But to be the son of a father, it is not determined by people. Now you put the question, is this father "God"? Because you have a picture of her God in yourselves what was stamped by the religions, I had to deny it.

They asked whether am I the son of God? They called your models. They wait for the rescuer of the world who gives them his advice and which hopes that they also obey his advice? If they expect thus one, that I am not.

What do you generally have for an image of God? Should it be Really like that that Son of God lives in human figure at all where among us and will step one days, from his anonymity. If this process releases a huge, inconceivable planet-aryan play what will shake the whole universe.

I do not want to come along you correct, in your question, but I have there my problems: Etc. you let Son of God, rescuer, liberator, leader it be good. It does not help us.  

Is it the day of the resurrection?

What you mean with it: „ the Wiedergeborene, day of the resurrection “? I do not come along with your way of thinking. However, you let me say: Nowadays 7 billion people on the earth live. During the day of the resurrection, all 108 Millarden people would one day have lived on our planet, rising. Plus the 140 millions that every year are born and plus the 57 millions them no more die everybody If you can put your question once again.

Allow to say it me so:

There comes the day of the wedding and at the other end I stand and wait for you. As soon as you see it, you will look up to see the lights in the darkness for which the people have always waited. It will take pain from you, so that they become free of the load which you had to carry. It will be the day in which you will experience it, why you have carried the load. And you will lay down the load to climb up. They will experience the world like she is real.> Freely from every restraint <.

God is the light of our soul and this light carries to us everything.

In every person exists this light what can never go out, even if we must leave behind the body which has bound us, in this planet and us has made forgotten that we were always a component of the universe and are. Then the light will transform our souls and will shine us like stars in the universe. Even this is nothing final, but also has his time, until one will reach in the absolute center of the big light to melt there, with which what we call the mind of God.

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